Loan and consulting opportunities for small and medium sized entrepreneurs. Investment for income generation activities for one self and others.

How would you make the ends meet without a job or the Norwegian welfare system backing you?

A job is more than the monthly pay check, it's also dignifying and meaningful. A stable income will not only pay the bills, but also make it possible for the children to attend school. An educated population is a start for the upwards spiral out of poverty.

With your donation we will give a loan and an opportunity for an entrepreneur to set up a business. The loan is paid back with interest, and over time the NOK 1 000,- you “invested” /donated became 1 200,- and can be lent out to a new entrepreneur.

Not only will the entrepreneur get a livelihood from its business, maybe in the future the business will expand and yet another person will be hired and receive an income.

In Nepal 2.9 million are living below the poverty line, roughly NOK 17,- daily. Involuntary loss of jobs is not only increased possibility of losing its home and reduced nutrition. It also increases the health risk, which again increases the probability of death.

Unemployment is a considerable challenge for Nepal. Each day 1,600 Nepalese citizens, especially young people and men are heading toward the Gulf countries and Malaysia for work. It is estimated that more than 3.5 million people are labor emigrants. Each day in average two migrant workers lose their life, mainly due lack of proper working conditions.

Several of those who have worked abroad wish to move home and reunite with their families again. A dream is to start their own business based on the new knowledge and skills they have gained. The traditional bank institutions are for many entrepreneurs a hinder and limit the possibility of growth, as they hesitate to take the risk giving out the loan. We believe that the key to success is to closely follow up the loan taker through consulting and mentorship.

SESI-I is a finance institution, with a daughter company in Nepal, SESI-Nepal, which will lend out the money.  The start-up will be in Tikkapur in the district of Kailali, near the border to India. This is an area where the population is among the poorest.


  • Ownership

    80% SHS, 20% HimalPartner

  • Company type:


  • Establishment year:


  • Org. number:

    998 936 535

  • Geographical area:

    Tikkapur, Kailali, Nepal

Current gaps

  • Capital for the set up of SESI-Nepal
  • Capital for funding of loans
  • Chairman of the SESI-I board